Traveling in Costa Rica

Business Administration major Abby Henderson '23 studied abroad in San Jose, Costa Rica during the fall of 2021. Salitral Waterfall in Guanacaste, Costa Rica Studying abroad in San Jose, Costa Rica was one of the best opportunities and experiences I have had while at Etown. I studied at Universidad Veritas through CIS Abroad for twelve... Continue Reading →

Hannah’s Top Ten Study Abroad Tips

It was so hard to narrow this list down to ten things—I could talk about studying abroad for such a long time! But first, a little about me: my name is Hannah, and I studied abroad with SOL Education Abroad in Heredia, Costa Rica. If you are interested in learning Spanish, I highly recommend SOL’s... Continue Reading →

Researching in Ecuador: STEM Opportunity Abroad

Colby Schweibenz ’17 had the opportunity to study abroad in Quito, Ecuador. A Biochemistry major with a Spanish minor, Colby is planning to pursue a career as a disease research biochemist after completing graduate school. While in Ecuador, Colby had the opportunity to work in a cellular biology research lab through her host university’s Latitude... Continue Reading →

A Week in the Amazon Basin

Colby Schweibenz ’18 studied biochemistry with a Spanish minor at Elizabethtown College. While pursuing her dream of becoming a disease research biochemist, Colby had the opportunity to study abroad in Quito, Ecuador. While living in Ecuador, Colby spent one week in the Ecuadorian Amazon Basin. Her trip started with sightseeing. She and her group hiked... Continue Reading →

Emily Hornung: A Scholar, A Traveler

Studying and working in another country, being on the dean’s list numerous times and winning excellence awards are just some of the accomplishments of Elizabethtown College senior Emily Hornung. The social work major and Spanish minor flourishes in the classroom and works hard to maintain top marks in her departments. Currently, Hornung is studying abroad... Continue Reading →

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